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April 20, 2012 in
Last month I blogged about the Harris County Republican Party and the Harris County Public Defender's Office, talking about what I called "the greed angle": that former HCRP chair Gary Polland, who is still influential in the party, is trying to use the party (by, among other things, deceiving the party's constituents) to protect his court-appointed income stream:
Sometimes good policy happens to be good for the policymakers. If political leaders' self-interest dictate policy and they use untruth to support that policy, though, that's not "conservatism" but kleptocracy.
Now the plot thickens: current HCRP chair Jared Woodfill is (and was at the time he sent the deceptive email) also on the juvenile-appointment teat. (Newman, Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center, Your Friday Dose of Irony).