Posted on

 December 10, 2008 in 

C’mon people, this is a travesty.

Scott Greenfield’s outstanding Simple Justice blog is 38 votes out of the lead in the ABA Journal’s balloting for top criminal law blog. Go read Simple Justice. It is hands-down the best criminal blog in the practical blawgosphere.

I know that Scott has been encouraging his many readers to vote for another criminal practice blog. Pay no attention. I’m personally very fond of that other blog, but Scott manages to decimate everybody else not only in terms quantity (he gets up before the sun and writes several blog posts every day before work) but also in terms of quality.

Go. Vote for Simple Justice. If you’ve voted already for someone else, change your vote. Vote from your desktop, your laptop, your handheld. Use an IP forwarder, and vote several more times. Then borrow a friend’s computer and vote again.

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